Easy Markdown with VS Code

udemy - Easy Markdown with VS Code

VS Code extension

VS Code Markdown Extension

VS Code Setting

Formatting Markdown


# This is level1 heading
## This is level2 heading
### This is level3 heading
#### This is level4 heading
##### This is level5 heading
###### This is level6 heading

換行(Line Break)

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding caramels sugar plum.
Tootsie roll cookie toffee halvah jelly gummi bears chocolate bar caramels. Pudding jelly beans powder. Bonbon caramels cake.

文字格式(Text Formatting)

只要你會選取文字加上按右鍵,VS Code可以讓你很輕鬆地作轉換

Toggle Text Format



製作清單(Making List)


  1. 子彈清單(bullet list)
  2. 數字清單(number list)
  3. 選項清單(checkbox-ish list)

  4. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé caramels chupa chups gingerbread. Jelly beans sweet sugar plum.

  5. Chocolate bar chocolate bar lemon drops halvah chocolate chupa chups.
  6. Muffin jelly-o cheesecake marshmallow gummies halvah.
    1. Powder chocolate bar donut. Tootsie roll sweet roll ice cream marshmallow cake chupa chups cupcake sweet.
    2. Bear claw cake marzipan halvah oat cake cookie marzipan fruitcake.
    3. Topping powder jelly sugar plum jujubes donut brownie.
  7. Toffee brownie biscuit biscuit.

  8. [ ] Chocolate cake topping tootsie roll sesame snaps cupcake cotton candy macaroon sweet.

  9. [ ] Candy canes gummies gummies cake.
  1. 單純的連結: <link url>
  2. 文字加連結: [link text](link url "tooltip")
  3. 圖片+連結: [![image alt text](image url) "tooltip"][link url]


Web Coders Facebook Group

Ice Cream Ipsum


Here's github profile page


影片(Video in Markdown)

Learn VS Code


Column A Column B Column C Column D
A1 B1 C1 D1
A2 B2 C2 D2
A3 B3 C3 D3

程式碼(Sharing Code)

<h1>Hello Markdown<h1>
<p>Roses are red<br>

Don't alert() to much.


:heart_eyes: :kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes:

